20/10/23 Fr Richard's Annual Leave
I shall be away on holiday from Friday 20th October until Wednesday 1st November. During this period my phone will be switched off and I will not be able to check emails.
The Vicar's email will be monitored by Natasha our parish administrator who may be able to help with queries if needs be.
Alternatively you can contact our churchwardens by email for help with more day to day things. If you need to speak to a priest, my colleague the Reverend Anne Beverley, vicar of Christ Church in Wesham will be available. For safeguarding related concerns please either contact Caroline O'Brien our parish safeguarding officer, the diocesan safeguarding team (contact details on the noticeboard at the back of church) or, if its an extremely serious and urgent matter, then contact the appropriate emergency services.
People are welcome still to park at the vicarage if doing things in church but they should note that the vicarage will be occupied by family members during my absence.
No alarm is needed if it looks people are in the building! Equally please note that they cannot transact any parish business on my behalf.
Thank you. Fr Richard.