Giving to St Michael's
It costs just under
£2000 per week
to maintain and run this church.
Our principal method for meeting this sum is through your generous giving, for which we continue to be grateful. We really do appreciate all gifts, large or small; every contribution makes a difference.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Corinthians 9 v 7
How to Donate
1. Standing Order
The more people can donate by this method, the better we can control and predict our cash flow.
Setting Up a Standing Order
- Online Banking
If you bank online, you can set up a Standing Order to St Michael's using the following details:
Account Number: 74814818
Sort Code: 01-04-84
Please include your surname and initial in the payment reference.
Even if you are setting up your Standing Order this way, please send a Gift Aid Declaration to us.
- Traditional Banking
You can pick up one of our Standing Order forms from the back of church, or download and print it from here.
Take/send the left hand half of the form (filled in) to your bank.
Bring the right hand half of the form (Gift Aid declaration) to us.
Other Ways of Giving
2. Envelope Giving
Request a set of envelopes from us (one for each week of the year).
Each week, bring one in, filled with your donation.
If eligible, complete a Gift Aid Declaration (once only) .
3. Online
You might want to give to us on a one-off, or irregular basis over the internet.
You can do so here.
4. Loose Plate Collection
You can donate by placing money in the collection plate during one of our services.
5. Contactless Card Machine
You can donate by card with our machine at the back of church.
6. Donations Box
You can place donations in our donations box. Look for the slot, built into the cupboards at the back of church, near the central aisle.
Gift Aiding Your Donation
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase your contribution by 25%, at no extra cost to you.
Better yet, we can retrieve Gift Aid on any donations made by you in the past 4 years.
All you need to do is fill in a Gift Aid declaration (available here or at the back of church).
To anybody who is thinking of giving to us, already gives to us, or is thinking of increasing their support, thank you.