Our Bellstory ... November 2017: Our New Bells Our ten new bells were blessed at a special service on 5 November by The Rt. Rev'd Cyril Ashton, Bishop of Doncaster. Each was allocated the name of a northern
Saint chosen by Messy Church and the classes of St Michael's Primary
Specifications (all bearing a company mark for John Taylor of Loughborough): Tenor (St Ebbe: Abbess of the Monastery at Ebchester) E
In preparation for their installation, volunteers removed the old belfry floor, including the huge oak timbers which supported it, and installed a new one.
September 2017: Our New Bells Cast, Fettled and Tuned
Six new bells were cast and united with four acquired from a redundant Welsh church. After casting, the next step was to tune them - listen here. See us on Taylor's fascinating website (scroll down to find Kirkham). 6 July 2017: First Casting Session
A coach-load travelled to Loughborough watch the first casting session.
25 November 2016: Goodbye Bells!
The old bells left Kirkham on 25 November 2016 for recasting at Taylor's. The Treble and No.4 were sent to Holy Cross Church in Slapton, Buckinghamshire.
November 2016: Old Bells Removed from the Tower After lots of preparatory work (see below), Taylor's of Loughborough, our bellfounders, arrived on site to remove the bells from the tower.
November 2016: Volunteers Prepare the Bells for Removal The bells up ready for removal of fittings
To substantially reduce costs we had eight working days during which to remove all fittings from the bells themselves; clappers, stays, sliders, ropes and wheels. Removing these gave better access to the clock chime hammers and counterbalance weights. We then removed all woodwork, floor pulleys and guides in the clock room (silent chamber), followed by the removal of the high level rope guide within the ringing room itself. The dedicated team of volunteers did a great job. Looking down on the bells after the removal of their wheels The removed wheels The removed clappers. The two-part Tenor clapper (far left) is almost 2m long and weighs 39.6kgs! The chime hammer for the tower clock from bell No.3 October 2016: Final Peal The rope spider holds the bell ropes
Fylde Ringers rang a final quarter peal on Thursday 27 October 2016 dedicated to the placing of the Colours of the 7th
Battalion Loyal Lancs Regiment in our church, the opening of Church
Memorial House and the unveiling of the commemorative plaque to those
who fell in World War I. We shall remember them. |
The Restoration Project Our
exciting Project replaced the heavy, discordant, difficult to ring,
170 year old peal of eight bells with a modern, lighter, harmonically
tuned peal of ten. The lighter weight and the provision of a new
ringing room makes these bells easier to ring and provides an
excellent training facility. Of the ten new bells, the front six were recast from our old ones, with the details of the benefactors from 1846 newly inscribed, and the back four came from a redundant church in Porth in Glamorgan. Part of the cost was funded by an application from the PCC to the Kirby Trust, with additional funding being sought from businesses and charitable trusts. Donations may be made by cheque, made payable to the Bell Restoration Account, or in cash. Please place in an envelope labelled 'Bell Fund' and hand to any bell ringer or Church official, post into the slot at the back of the Church or post to The Treasurer, St Michael's Church, Church Street, Kirkham, PR4 2SE. Electronic transfers may be sent to the Bell Restoration Account number 80300987, sort code 01-04-84. Please Gift Aid where possible. Any contribution is appreciated, no matter how small. You may also be able to assist in more practical ways - all you need is a willingness to help. Bell Captain Terry Williams 01772 682484 |
Bell Ringers The 1930's Bellringing Team - Back row left to right: Ephriam Parkinson; Jimmy Worthington; Jimmy Whalley; Victor Whalley (brothers) and Chris Cookson (Grandfather to Keith Cookson - still ringing).
In 1979 I became Bell Captain when George passed away and am still here. For a while I
had my own dynasty with both my sons and a daughter-in-law as part of
the ringing team. All towers do struggle to maintain a band of ringers due to the demands of college, changes of
employment, marriage, retirement etc. so new
ringers are constantly being sought. Bell ringing can be a very useful
and interesting hobby. It is a good introduction to new friends at college or work and many ringers holiday in parts of the country
where church bells are in working order and spend some of their time going from tower to tower. |