Music |
Do you like to sing?
Love music? Want to make new friends? Then come and join a friendly choir singing traditional & contemporary music. For an informal chat with our organist & choirmaster Philip Daniels, please come to church one Sunday at 11.00am.
Leads main services
Available for weddings & funerals
Study for RSCM Awards
Rehearses Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm
Choir members: Jackie Hart with her RSCM Gold and Long Service Award (40 years) and Teigan with her Archdeacon's Award.
'But thy loving kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.' Listen to the Choir sing John Rutter's The Lord is my Shepherd from our Holy Communion of Requiem for All Souls. |
OrganBuilt in 1905 by Harrison & Harrison of Durham. The original pneumatic action was restored in 1979 by the Pendlebury Organ Co. of Cleveleys and during 2017-2019 it underwent professional repair and restoration by David Wells Organ Builders Ltd. In 2013 the organ was awarded a Grade I Historic Certificate by The British Institute of Organ Studies. There are only 18 Grade I certified Harrison organs in Britain. |