Project 2022 Logo Slogan

What is it all about?

2022 marks the 200th Anniversary of this Church building.

To mark this, we have identified a number of things we would like to achieve by then.

Together, they have the aim of improving the fortunes of the Church, and involving the local community more.

That way, we can celebrate the anniversary, and look to the future with optimism.

What are our aims?

       Expansion of the Family Kitchen (3 times per week)

       Foodbank donations sufficient to feed five families per week

       A junior choir, from St Michael’s school, performing with the Church Choir three times per year

       A Church Choir of 25 members

       An “apprentice” organist

       Service Attendance to average 100

       Weekly All-Age Exercise Classes

       12 private functions per year

       4 heritage events per year

       6 social nights per year

       Monthly mass litter pick in town

       Hosting Kirkham Market, indoors, 3 times per year

       Bellringing team to increase to 14 members

       5 clubs or societies regularly operating in Church

       4 concerts per year

       Hosting of weekly peripatetic music lessons

How can you get involved?

1.      Put your support behind any projects that interest you.

2.      Volunteer to be a champion of one of the projects.

3.      Spread the word amongst your friends and family, about Project 2022, and our plans here at St Michael’s.

4.      Continue to donate generously to St Michael’s, so that we can be financially sustainable. 

To register an interest in getting involved, please email:

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or speak to the Churchwardens, or anyone on PCC.